Back when I first started this blog; it doesn’t have any alternative comment system than the blogger default comment system and that was before Google plus comment replaced the blogger comment system. But this doesn’t stay more than a week that I removed it and installed Disqus. Three months later I decided to remove the Disqus and replace it with intensedebate comment system which is comment luv enabled, more talk about why and how I change from Disqus to intense debate can be found here.Yes! Our Comment System has been replaced by Disqus!
Must Read: How To Install Comment Luv Plugin on Blogger
Now I’m changing back to Disqus comment System, Why?
The real reason I change this blog comment system from Disqus to intensedebate was because then, intensedebate is kind of hard to install (not that really hard but remember I just started blogging with no experience of web designing, definitely it will be hard on me) and beside there is no comment luv enabled.
But now I closed my eyes to the benefits of using comment luv enabled comment box (who give a damn anymore?) and want to change back to my dear old Disqus comment system; there must be reasons and of course I will share them with you.
Disqus now loads faster
Unlike before when Disqus take eternity to load, which make it difficult for readers with low internet connection to comment, Disqus now loading in a snap of finger even with low internet connectivity.
Modification and Installation is now easier
Now you can modify your comments straight from dashboard if you’re using Disqus WordPress plugin, you can reply to comments and do many more things.
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Blogger blogs can modify their comments using dashboard on Disqus site and the process of installing Disqus to blogger was easy and automatic, unlike when you had no choice than to go for manual installation.
It is now easy to install and modify Disqus on your site, Wordpress users can easily install their plugin and get everything setup in a minute, while blogger can do automatic installation,
just login or create new account with Disqus, locate install>choose your platform> follow the process as shown in the diagram below; and within a minutes you will get your Disqus installed. You can also move your existing comment to Disqus also.
Best Interaction and Nice looking
Discussions on Disqus is even more better, once you’re logged in to comment on one Disqus enabled site; you don’t really need to keep entering your email address or filling form over and over again when you want to comment on other Disqus enabled site, just write your comment and phew..its published, unless you sign out for yourself. Besides the Nice looking of Disqus can’t be look out over!
Increased monetization
Since last couple of years you can use Disqus comment system to monetize your blog, easy isn’t it? Install the comment box and started making money? That’s what I thought last year when I first started using their comment system but I didn’t earn a cent for almost more than 3 months of being an experimental user. But now there are changes, though I just reinstall their comment system on this blog and I’ve not started using their monetization program but enquiries show that their monetization is now better than it used to be.
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Many Top Blogs/Sites are using Disqus Comment System
I don’t need to mention names you can check all those top sites yourself you’ll see all of them using Disqus, even with the issue of recent penguin update which affected many sites due to spammy links in their comment system as a result of backlink building strategy by commenter, it’s a great reason to ditch comment luv and go for Disqus.
Am I the only one with this mindset? Definitely not, today change his comment system to disqus also I can see obasi miracle site using Disqus too, maybe they can share their views and why they’re using Disqus comment system.
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Those are primary reasons I reinstall Disqus comment system back to this blog. How do you see the comment system readers, viewers and passers by? Can I keep using this or go back to intense debate? Is it good enough for a blogger blog? Your reviews, criticism and ideas are highly needed.