Using Credit Cards online has become very common that many people ceased to think about the risks before they started using their ATM cards to buy goods, pay for rents, send payment online and pay for online application. Once you used your credit card online, there are many types of Software and applications that are capable of snatching and sniffing your credit card details without you even know something is up. Protecting Credit Card Information online is uncommon but necessary. As most of us are; if you’re in a situation where you can’t ceased to use Credit card or ATM card for online payment. I have identified some ways you can use your credit cards cautiously without putting your credit card information at risk and without compromising your personal and security details.
Go to tools>options>security tab>unchecked “remember password for site”. Additionally, after each payment section and before continuing to view other sites make sure you clear your internet browser’s cache and cookies. To clear cookies on Firefox..go to.....
Tools>options>privacy tab>click on “remove individual cookies” click on remove all cookies> close>OK.
Furthermore, there are some security add-on you can use to protect and secure your browser like the Web Security Guard add-on in both Internet Explorer and Firefox, I’ll be publishing a special posts on “internet browsers security add-on” in one of my future posts.
I think I’ve put down what its necessary to secure your credit card from hackers, swindler and online fraudsters. With these of course I don’t see any reasons you’ll still suffer credit cards hack. I will be glad if you can share your own opinions with me on this by simply using the comment box below. Also don’t forget to share this with your friends to help them aware how the can keep their credit cards save.
Protect your Computer
The first precaution you must take to keep-safe your credit card is to protect your Computer; both from hackers and viruses, you should never think of shopping online or use your credit card with a computer that’s riddled with viruses, spyware or malware and keyloggers. There are many Computer Security applications you can use to secure your computer from Viruses and malicious software. Make a damn pretty sure that your computer is safe before you’ll put your credit card information at risk.Protect your Browsers
After your computer was protected, the next action is to protect your browser, by default settings many browsers are set to save passwords and other login details, which is in some ways good if you’re on Private Computer, but if the case is different you can secure your computer by making some changes in your browser’s settings. For Firefox users.Go to tools>options>security tab>unchecked “remember password for site”. Additionally, after each payment section and before continuing to view other sites make sure you clear your internet browser’s cache and cookies. To clear cookies on Firefox..go to.....
Tools>options>privacy tab>click on “remove individual cookies” click on remove all cookies> close>OK.
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Furthermore, there are some security add-on you can use to protect and secure your browser like the Web Security Guard add-on in both Internet Explorer and Firefox, I’ll be publishing a special posts on “internet browsers security add-on” in one of my future posts.
Use Your Credit Card Only on Trusted Sites
There are some fake sites that are just design to wheedle out your credit cards information and some shopping sites doesn’t have adequate security to protect your credit from fraud, any online payment sites that retain your card details longer than normal or auto save your credit card details that you don’t need to re-enter it the next time you want to make another payment - are absolutely not trusted site. Be aware of such sites and never use your CC on them.
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Don’t Send Your Credit Cards Info to Anyone
I have seen some unconscious shoppers sending their credit card details by mail or through phone to third party in other to make payment on their behalf or to register for their online application, this is an ignorant manner and it can lead to having your credit cards details compromised. Never send your card details to anyone by mail or phone or even write it down to someone!Only Use Your Credit Card on a Secure Website
A secure website will be like this instead of . If you notice there is no “https” at the beginning of the payment site, I advice not to proceed to making any payment. The genuine lie is that the extra “s” signifies ‘secure connection’.Change Your PIN immediately after each transaction
Your credit card PIN is very precious to a fraudster even than your CVV2 number and any other card details, without your PIN there is basically nothing any crook will do with your funds. Do you know your PIN allows direct withdrawals of cash from your account? Your PIN should be the last thing you’ll ever tell anybody– a trio numbers you should never divulge to anyone not even your bank staffs. After each transaction make sure you change your credit card PIN immediately to avoid any heartbreaking drama a fraudster will do to your funds.Must Read: Four Alternatives To Google Adsense | Make Money Blogging
Always Check your Financial Statements
The only positive way to know when your Credit cards was on its nice trip to hell is through your financial statements. It has even easy now that all banks support electronic notifications of transaction session; with either phone alerts or email messages. Keep close notice of your transaction alerts and when you receive a transaction alert that you pretty sure you did carried out, without any delay let your bank be notified of the suspicious transaction before it will be too late that there will be no way to track the culprit. Besides, always print your online credit card or payment receipt anytime you made a transaction.Use Common Sense When Shopping Online
The last (definitely not the end) because I know you’ll add to the lists is for you to use your own common and uncommon senses, before you made any payment take a moment to think of what you’re paying for? You wouldn’t like to pay for something that’s useless! Is their any way to contact payment support in case I made wrong payment? Are the questions you should consider asking yourself and think it through, never do online transaction with anonymous person that offers you no way to have words with real person.I think I’ve put down what its necessary to secure your credit card from hackers, swindler and online fraudsters. With these of course I don’t see any reasons you’ll still suffer credit cards hack. I will be glad if you can share your own opinions with me on this by simply using the comment box below. Also don’t forget to share this with your friends to help them aware how the can keep their credit cards save.