To make money online is now very easy if you follow the right path and have believe in what you’re doing, some has took wrong path that lead to their failure and you will see them yelling that online businesss is just waste of time which I know is very far from truth. Anyway we are not debating that today! Shall we? No! not today, today is all about how to make money with YouTube but before you embark on this journey I must tell you that to be successful doing this you must have “flairs and skills” to make tempting and alluring videos that will go viral once uploaded, without this I don’t see any reason you should continue reading this post..Because it just can’t really work for you (I guess) based on my experiences.
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If you passed the above questionnaires, well I think you're fit to start the journey of making money with YouTube, of course those are not the least you need but basically those can get you started.
Perhaps This Video Might Explain More Better! Happy Watching
How you can make Money Uploading Videos To YouTube
Every day hundred thousands of videos are uploaded to YouTube which is powered by Google, YouTube gives any videos to be monetize so far they are comply with the YouTube video policies. If you can't believe this; here is the close range example is the shining story of Howard Davies-Carr who uploaded a video of his children which he doesn’t know it will be view by more than 400 millions viewers and the said video earned him over £100,000! Just Like that you might ask? Youtube is also making some money from the video you uploaded by placing related adverts next to the clips of any video monetized on YouTube.Must Read: 5 Best Ways To Send And Receive Money Online
Who Are Eligible to Make Money With Youtbue
Like I said above, we all can't walk through the same path just because some people was successful walking through! before you can board the bus of making money with YouTube you must ask yourself if you're up to the task, did you love to share opinions with YouTube? Can you make up to 2 viral Videos in a day? Are you in a group where video sharing & viewing is a must daily? Sorry for many questions! But will you really enjoying doing this?If you passed the above questionnaires, well I think you're fit to start the journey of making money with YouTube, of course those are not the least you need but basically those can get you started.
How Do You Start Making Money With YouTube
This doesn't have to be firefighters job or Iron-worker, its indeed an easy task if you know right what you're doing. Anytime you got something to say or hobby to share you can make it in video and upload it to YouTube, sport training like football skills tutorial, basketball etc, language tutorials, are examples of most viewed videos, just any thing that you know people will love to watch and you can produce best video on it. there is no chief tutorial on how you can make a great video you can started from grass and believe me if you do this right you’ll be doing it like pro in the next few year.Perhaps This Video Might Explain More Better! Happy Watching
How To Start Uploading Videos to Youtbue
Am glad you've made up your mind to start uploading videos to YouTube for monetization of course, then these steps should get you started right away.Must Read:Basic Things You Must Know Before Making a Video Post
- Create a New Gmail account (tip: Choose United State as your location, some countries in Africa are not allowed to monetize YouTube videos). If you've already have Google account, skip this step
- Login to YouTube
- Click on
- Enable your YouTube account for monetization
- You should receive a message in your inbox saying your YouTube account is ready for monetization
- After the congratulation message, Now is time to start uploading unique and catchy videos to YouTube
- Be sure to add right descriptions and related tags to your video
- Wait for the upload to complete and hit publish
- make sure to check the Monetize this video as shown in the diagram below
Now that your video is monetized, How do you get paid? Thanks for asking, what you need right now is to associate your Youtube account to Google Adsense Program, Your Youtube earning will be calculated and sent to you from Google Adsense Program. to setup your Free Google Adsense Account, Just follow these steps
- Go to Channel Settings>Monetization
- Now you should see your account status.
- Click on “How will I be paid”?
- Now click on “associate an Adsense account”
From here you will bet directed to Adsense Application page, where you will setup and fill your payment informations, make sure you use the right name for the paye name and fill other details correctly.
Above stage you see in the picture let you associate your Youtube to Adsense Program
Above stage you see in the picture let you associate your Youtube to Adsense Program
The above stage shown in the picture is where you fill your payment details
After all these are done and submitted, within few hours Adsense Program will welcome you their Program by sending you the confirmation message in your inbox, Once you receive this, you can now login to adsense page, where you will be monitor your earning report as well as other necessary settings.
I must tell you that to get money with your video, you too need some job to do and that's promoting your videos by sharing them with your friends, you can use social media, Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus, Just make sure you get subscribers to your videos. You can later decide to use your Adsense account for other monetization method.
If you run through any issues with this post, am right here to listen to you, just drop your comments in the comment box below and I will reply you as soon as possible......Don't forget to share.